Growth Track at Hope City Church is a guide to help you discover your  purpose and live the life God created for you.  Growth Track is made up of four steps to help equip you:
1.) connect to the church and become an owner
2.) discover the strengths of your purposeful design
3.)  develop your personal leadership
4.) use your God-given gifts to make a difference in the lives of others. 


Why should I attend Growth Track? 

Growth Track is the heartbeat of Hope City. Not only do you get to learn about who Hope City is, why we exist, and who the leadership team is, you also get to learn about yourself. We get to learn about your gifts, talents, how God made you to work and where you would be fit in at Hope City. 

Do you offer it on any other days of the week? 

We try our best to offer Growth Track on Wednesday nights once a quarter but Growth Track is primarily on the third Saturday of the month from 9am-1pm. 

How do I serve at Hope City? 

The only way that you can serve at Hope City is by attending Growth Track 

Is childcare available? 

We try our best to provide childcare if we know that there are going to be kids in attendance. If you need childcare, please email Pastor Avi at so that we can try and get childcare. 

Questions about Growth Track ?

We love to clarify any questions you might still have, please reach out.